Blog Search Results For: Change Design | Number Posts Found: 3

Quickly adapting and reinventing the way we work sums up this past year. What initially appeared as a quick-hit pivot morphed into our current norm: Working from home (WFH) Communicating remotely Alternating onsite vs. WFH team members Refiguring workplace office space to meet CDC guidelinesC Some say organizations have fast-forwarded …

Contingency Planning and Interior Design Scenarios for Remote Workers. There are several areas to think about as employers look to determine the future of the current work-from-home environment. It’s certainly important to, at minimum, understand that regardless of our timeline, remote work scenarios should remain top-of-mind as businesses plan for …

Apply Principles of Architecture to Adapt to Our New Work-From-Home Normal. By definition, an architect is a person who plans, designs, and guides a project or undertaking. Sound like you? Balancing new work-from-home initiatives is making us architects in our own right: Planning, designing, and guiding our space, our day, …