Interior Design
Project Execution
Interior design projects follow the same order of design as delineated in the architectural services. Programming through Project Close-Out may integrate with the concurrent architectural design or as the process for an independent interior design project. Interior design projects include new or renovated interior architectural space that does not affect the structural or exterior architectural elements. Because of the importance of how people experience an interior environment, supplementary services are described below in more depth.
Workplace strategy
Workplace strategy aligns the organization’s work patterns and future expectations, while accommodating the business goals of a company. Implementing how individuals work, enabling the highest level of performance in the appropriate space requirements, creates efficiency that often reduces square footage and overall operation cost. The workplace strategy is developed with the owner and appointed users to determine the way each entity within the company operates. Independent field observations and interviews by Imprint supplement the owner derived information. Compiling these studies will determine work methods such as mobile working, collaboration or resident workstations that will then help translate into space allocations and furniture needs.
Change Management
Change management aligns with Workplace Strategy when a company re establishes physical space requirements and work goals. Change can be difficult for people within an organization when disrupting the traditional pattern of work. Managing the change involves gaining acceptance from those directly impacted by the transition. Imprint’s involvement provides a buffer between the company leadership and employees by establishing an outside perspective to present reason for change. The change management process also includes conversations about different furniture solutions that best support each job description. With many generations in the workforce, each may perceive change based on their work history and future expectations. Sensitivity to this when presenting new workplace ideas is crucial to gaining employee support.
Furniture layout, Specifications, and Procurement
Aligning with Programming and Workplace Strategy, furniture layouts bring those organizational ideas to fruition. Furniture design layouts per work activity or function, articulates visual concepts for implementing change. Designing and specifying furniture with Imprint, provides an owner the opportunity to receive competitive pricing without sacrificing quality standards. Without an alignment to any particular furniture line, Imprint objectively selects furniture, fabrics and finishes to cohesively integrate design intention maintaining owner objectives and budget. Imprint will then issue a complete furniture specification document to selected furniture providers to acquire competitive pricing. Imprint will assist with evaluation of the bids and monitor order and installation on behalf of the owner.
Interior Design Selections
Interior design selections reflect the image and aesthetic language of the business through color, texture, materials, form and light. Coordination with the architectural components creates a cohesive impression to all who experience the space. Attention to detail, such as lighting design and selection, creates a ambiance that not only provides function but also enhances the feeling and human response to any space. Natural light and exposure to exterior site lines equally impacts the well-being of those who inhabit the interior. These interior design selections contribute to employee health and welfare
Health, Safety and Welfare
Interior design extends far beyond the demands and aesthetics of a space. The interior spaces of a building integrate universal design throughout the project as a fundamental composition of the environment. Building codes and regulations are seamlessly incorporated from materials selected to space allocation and safe egress of a building. Consideration to sustainable materials and local resources recognizes the ecological importance of natural resources as well as health of all who experience the building.
Signage and Wayfinding
Providing wayfinding through interior finishes, lighting and graphics foster intuitive navigation of a building. Environmental graphics not only distinguish areas, they provide a canvas for goals, values and mission statements whether through text or images. The idea graphics incorporate the business into inherent artwork and inspiration. Signage supplements wayfinding as simple delineation of rooms and direction
3D Space Study
Three dimensional space studies provide an owner an understanding of the volume of a space beyond elevations and plans used for documentation. Responses to design become more specific when viewed in a realistic way. Implementation of color, materials, textures, lighting and furniture, equip an owner to make decisions with more confidence. Producing renderings also becomes a communication tool for stakeholders outside the design process.